visual system
Every product
embodies its collectors appreciation.
The Transformation of Vernacular Communication focused on the intentions of a particular message. For instance, businesses put on advertisements or signs in its store to convey a sale or clearance. The project involved the selection of a sign created by a company as long as the sign contained more than three levels of intention. The project evaluated a sign from a local vinyl store, and through its content and context its core message was determined through the hierarchy on the sign. Completion of the project involved generating a brand new verbal and visual identity and visual system that combined the design elements together.
Rooky Ricardo’s Records is a local vinyl store located in Lower-Haight, San Francisco. The company hung up a sign to indicate what is the correct and proper way to view a vinyl record in the store. The intentions were categorized into different layers, and used to development various deliverables that served to fulfill those intentions. After considering the current style as well as the history of the store, a new visual system was developed to correspond to the records store’s intentions.
© 2021 Grace Min Shan Lee All rights reserved